Jesus Prayed For You So Never Worry About The Devil

We can find comfort in knowing that Jesus cares about us. And again, I say, he will protect us. Always remember, Jesus prayed for you. So never worry about the devil and what he attempts to do to you.

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I Am Wisdom, I Empower You With Good Sense

Wisdom strengthens and protects the wise (Ecclesiastes 7:19). “The proof of wisdom is in the actions it produces” (Matthew 11:19 CJB). So I encourage you to get wisdom. After all, I am wisdom, I empower you with good sense!

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Jesus Is The Best Friend IF You Obey Him

Either you are a friend of God or an enemy. You simply cannot be both. So, if you want to be a friend of God, meet the “if” condition. In other words, you are a friend of Jesus if you do what He says.

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Our Conflict Lies Within, To Do Right Or Wrong

We may give in to the desires of the flesh from time to time, but we do not have to. Actually, we have power over our earthly, sinful, and flesh nature. Take control of your choices with the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember the words of Christ in Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you: …” We can end the conflict that lies within, using the gift of self-control provided by the Holy Spirit.

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Make A Joyful Noise, Shout Joyfully To The Lord

Are we too civil to make a joyful noise to the Lord? Is God not worthy of a joyful shout? Lift your voice and shout joyfully to the Lord for all that he has done for you!

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Jesus Is The Good Shepherd And The Ultimate Provider

Our Lord Jesus takes care of us and provides all that we need. In fact, He is the best or the ultimate provider and leads/guides us (when we allow Him to). It is the Lord, who feeds us. He is responsible for our well-being. The Lord is the one who keeps and guards us. As a result of His care, we have all we need. So we can say, “I shall not want” or “I am not in need of anything.”

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What We Hope For, Our Destiny, Life In Heaven!

Continue to hope for what God has promised because it is sealed with the Holy Spirit [Ephesians 1:3-14 (12-14)]. Above all, we should never lose hope that our destiny is life in heaven!

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Learn To Love the Hate Out of Your Enemies

Let’s practice loving our haters. That does not mean you should accept physical, verbal, or mental abuse. But it is possible to love your enemies so much that you love the hate out of them! You can make it impossible for them to continue to hate you. Apply the love principles in this snack; let me know if you need help.

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You’re Never Alone; Holy Spirit Is Always With You

If you are born again and are living a Christian life, God dwells in you, so He is with you at all times. So remember, you are never alone in the struggles of life. Your helper, comforter, intercessor, counselor, friend, encourager, and advocate, the Holy Spirit, is there with you. Learn to depend on Him and allow Him to comfort you during your struggles. You are never alone in the struggles of life!

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3 Of The Best Reasons To Control Your Actions

God gives you everything you need for salvation. This includes the ability to control your actions. He wants you to live a holy life and makes it possible to do so.

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Give Thanks To The Lord, For He Is Good

So, come on, you can do it. Open your mouth and give thanks to the Lord. Give Him credit for all that He is and has done. Let Him know that you adore Him! He wants you to show it!

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Prevarication Is Actually Lying To Avoid Telling The Truth

Prevarication – Get out of telling the truth: to avoid giving a direct and honest answer or opinion, or a clear and truthful account of a situation, especially by quibbling or being deliberately ambiguous or misleading. Evasion of the truth; deceit, evasiveness. To lie, mislead, or conceal the truth on purpose.

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Murmuring; 3 Valuable Examples, People Murmured, God Killed Them!

We must learn how to carry out all tasks without murmuring. In addition, we must not complain about the fact that we must do them. For this sin, God poured out His anger on the Israelites; let’s not make the same mistakes they did!

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