Family Curse: Does It Really Exist in the Bible?

So, you see, there was a family curse under the Mosaic Law. However, that curse and all curses imposed by the Law do not affect us today. First, Jesus became a curse for us by hanging on the cross. Second, God forgives our sins, including the sins of our ancestors, through Christ and His sacrifice.

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Backsliding: Falling Away Actually Happens, The Reason Why Is

Contrary to the belief of many, born-again believers can and do choose to stop believing in God. That is why Jesus said He will save those who stay faithful, i.e., endure until the end. So, I urge you to hold on and avoid backsliding.

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Never Make Fun Of, Or Tell Jokes About, People

We need to uplift one another rather than make fun of others with our words. Telling jokes may make some people laugh but can hurt others as well. God’s people should never make fun of, or tell jokes about, people!

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Deceit Leads to Death; Truth Gives You Amazing Life

You can not fool God! So God’s people should remove false words or actions (trying to fool others). By doing so, they keep away from deceit (anything that will mislead others). Remember, deceit leads to spiritual death, and truth gives amazing life.

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Prevarication Is Actually Lying To Avoid Telling The Truth

Prevarication – Get out of telling the truth: to avoid giving a direct and honest answer or opinion, or a clear and truthful account of a situation, especially by quibbling or being deliberately ambiguous or misleading. Evasion of the truth; deceit, evasiveness. To lie, mislead, or conceal the truth on purpose.

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Liars Are Sinful, Being Like Their Father The Devil!

Hopefully, if you find that you are one of the sinful liars as revealed by this lesson, you will repent and continue to develop a better relationship with God. On the other hand, if you are not guilty of being one of the people who tell lies, God bless you!

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Implacable: Learn How To Stop Being Unforgiving And Rigid

The bottom line is that you are sinning when you are implacable (difficult or hard to get along with). But you can adjust if you want to, the beauty of it all, is that God will give you his Spirit as a personal helper. He does this so that you will have everything you need to succeed.

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Unbeliever, You Are Forever Excluded From The New Jerusalem!

The final plea is that you reconsider how you feel about God. The fact is, if you are reading this, there is hope for you because it shows that you were at least curious. So trust God and be allowed to enter the place set aside for believers, the new Jerusalem.

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Hypocrite: Time To Stop Acting Holy; Be Holy Now!

It is simple to hide hypocrisy from other people. The actor seldom feels bad and never asks for forgiveness. They must remember that God is able to see through their mask and know their lies. It’s time to make a change; for your own benefit, quit acting holy by visiting a location (church) and doing godly acts, and start being holy right away!

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Murmuring; 3 Valuable Examples, People Murmured, God Killed Them!

We must learn how to carry out all tasks without murmuring. In addition, we must not complain about the fact that we must do them. For this sin, God poured out His anger on the Israelites; let’s not make the same mistakes they did!

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Lust: I Want It, I Don’t Care About Consequences

Lust is a strong or greedy want with an ‘I don’t care about the consequences’ attitude. It is like saying or thinking, “I want what I want, no matter what.” In fact, it shows a complete disregard for the consequences of a person’s actions. But the person should care about the result!

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Fornication: Explore 5 Amazing Facts All About Premarital Sex

Fornication is a sexual sin. When you have premarital sex, you commit fornication. That is, engaging in sexual behavior of any kind, whether it be oral, anal, or both, before marriage. So remember, “No marriage, no sexual intercourse”!

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Habits: Warning, You Must Avoid These 2 Bad Ways!

Are you a victim of bad habits? Be a wise child of God, I urge you to use self-control and avoid drinking and eating too much. You can avoid bad habits with the help of the Lord. He gave you self-control, please use it!

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5 Helpful Studies to Make You Want to Avoid Adultery

Please do not be a sexual cheater. Be faithful to your spouse. If you are involved with someone that is married or a person that is not your spouse, stop what you are doing. It is not worth it!

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