Family Curse: Does It Really Exist in the Bible?

So, you see, there was a family curse under the Mosaic Law. However, that curse and all curses imposed by the Law do not affect us today. First, Jesus became a curse for us by hanging on the cross. Second, God forgives our sins, including the sins of our ancestors, through Christ and His sacrifice.

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Be Confident: How To Use This Ability In Your Life

So, if we trust God, i.e., have faith in Him, our self-confidence grows. Because it is based on the abilities that Christ gave us and not on ourselves. Always remember that we can do nothing and cannot be anything without Him. Now be confident and use this ability in your life!

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The Truth About ‘Well Done Good and Faithful Servant’

This was a brief review of the parable concerning the phrase “Well done, good and faithful servant (or slave).” So did you come away with the idea that the Lord will say this on the day of judgment? Please share your thoughts on “The Truth About ‘Well Done Good and Faithful Servant’.”

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Warning About Arrogance: Your Guide To Revealing Its Impact

The traits of an arrogant person are self-importance and self-confidence. Not only does he not show empathy toward people, but he also rejects God.
1. Never praise yourself. Let others do it. Proverbs 27:2 (ERV)
2. Be humble before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10 (FBV)

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Jesus Became A Human: This Is What Love Is

So, my friends, our God is not a monster or weird. He revealed Himself in various ways, so we would trust Him. He is a loving God who cared enough to become one of His creations to save us. Dear ones, this is what love is when our creator, Jesus, became a human to restore our relationship!

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The Lord Makes A Nation Great When People Live Right

We should treat all people the way we want to be treated and love them with unbiased and genuine love! Isaiah 26 is a song of victory and praise. The Lord did and does defend His people. So we should trust in the Lord and live to please Him. Then He will make your nation great!

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Wait For God: Never Get Tired; Your Breakthrough Is Coming

During our lifetime, we wait for many things. Hopefully, this snack will make you realize the importance of waiting for God’s guidance in life. Dear one, God knows what you can handle. So hold on; never give up. Wait for God, because your breakthrough is coming.

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Startling: The Holy Spirit Doesn’t Cause People To Fall

Are you guilty of accepting a different Jesus, spirit, or gospel (such as “the prosperity gospel”)? Read and study the Bible so you can know and worship in Spirit (the Holy Spirit) and truth! So remember, the Holy Spirit doesn’t cause people to fall! Falling only happened when someone saw God or an angel, or when a demonic force threw them down.

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Dealing With Fear: You’ll Overcome It With Spiritual Growth

So learn to let your fear grow from terror to respect and awe for God. When you allow His perfect love to take away the terror of fear, you will then know that you have overcome fear through spiritual growth. So now you can love and worship Him with godly fear.

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Get Right With God Now; Tomorrow’s Often Too Late!

So if you are not a born-again believer, know that you must be born again. If you were reborn, make sure the Holy Spirit is leading your life. Most of all, remember to get right with God now, because tomorrow’s often too late!

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Doing What Is Right; That Will Make America Great

Any nation’s true greatness lies not in its scientific, economic, or military might but rather in its proper relationship with God. Doing what is right is the key to make America great, as well as any nation. But sin, i.e., failure to obey God, results in shame and disgrace.

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