Jesus Became A Human: This Is What Love Is

So, my friends, our God is not a monster or weird. He revealed Himself in various ways, so we would trust Him. He is a loving God who cared enough to become one of His creations to save us. Dear ones, this is what love is when our creator, Jesus, became a human to restore our relationship!

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Can The Devil Steal Anything From God’s Protected People?

Again, I ask, “What can the devil steal from God’s protected people?” Hopefully, you correctly answered, “Nothing”; the devil cannot steal anything from a child of God. Stop listening to the false messages (sermons, teachings, and/or songs); they are not based on biblical truth. If anything, the people preaching, teaching, and singing messages that claim the devil stole anything are deceiving you, like those whom Jesus spoke of.

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God’s Message Of Love Is For Everyone In The World

Accept God’s message [teaching]; do not reject it; refusing to receive God’s word is the same as refusing God. With love, Jesus delivered God’s teaching of love, so I urge you to receive it with love.

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Jesus Is The Good Shepherd And The Ultimate Provider

Our Lord Jesus takes care of us and provides all that we need. In fact, He is the best or the ultimate provider and leads/guides us (when we allow Him to). It is the Lord, who feeds us. He is responsible for our well-being. The Lord is the one who keeps and guards us. As a result of His care, we have all we need. So we can say, “I shall not want” or “I am not in need of anything.”

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Learn To Love the Hate Out of Your Enemies

Let’s practice loving our haters. That does not mean you should accept physical, verbal, or mental abuse. But it is possible to love your enemies so much that you love the hate out of them! You can make it impossible for them to continue to hate you. Apply the love principles in this snack; let me know if you need help.

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You’re Never Alone; Holy Spirit Is Always With You

If you are born again and are living a Christian life, God dwells in you, so He is with you at all times. So remember, you are never alone in the struggles of life. Your helper, comforter, intercessor, counselor, friend, encourager, and advocate, the Holy Spirit, is there with you. Learn to depend on Him and allow Him to comfort you during your struggles. You are never alone in the struggles of life!

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Gifts From God Help The Believers To Become Strong

Strong spiritual and mental health. The holy spirit, amongst all of the spiritual gifts, can have positive effects on your mental health. That is because of the following qualities: Love ♥ Joy ♥ Peace ♥ Patience ♥ Kindness ♥ Goodness ♥ Faithfulness ♥ Gentleness ♥ Self-control. Think about it!

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You Are Forgiven, Wonderful, Go And Sin No More

Yes, God does forgive you when you admit to the Lord Jesus (your High Priest) you are guilty of sin. But you must understand, His forgiveness is applied when you repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. It is at that time that you are forgiven.

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Press On Toward The Goal To Get God’s Reward

As sinners, we considered and did things that were not right in God’s eyes. It is true that we acted in ways that were not pleasing to God and visited places that would make Him ashamed. Our Lord, however, wants us to think about and do good things. So, release yourself from that burden, set yourself free, and let go of the old you and everything connected to it. Press on toward the reward that God has for you.

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One With God: The Bliss of Harmony In Spirit

1 John 3:18, 24 18 Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it. 24 If we obey God’s commandments, we will stay one in our hearts with him, and he will stay one with us. The Spirit he has given us is proof that we are one with him. (CEV)

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By His Stripes, We Are Healed Spiritually, Not Physically

This Bible lesson is intended to correct the misunderstanding of Isaiah 53:5. Particularly “by (with) His stripes, we are healed.” By His stripes, you have spiritual healing (i.e., restored favor, not healing for your body). Above all, Jesus gave a spiritual solution to a spiritual problem. He did not suffer and die to heal our bodies!

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Let God Take Care of Your Worries and Concerns

Jesus does not want you to worry about this life. Things like food and clothing. In view of the fact that the birds and plants are well taken care of by God’s care. Know that He cares more about you than all of His creation. Remember Jesus suffered and died for you!

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The Holy Spirit; 2 Valuable Truths You Should Know

In conclusion, the Scriptures often mention that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God (Acts 2:38). Also keep in mind the one baptism mentioned in Ephesians is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (John 1:33). That is the baptism Jesus baptizes with; the Holy Spirit.

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Godly Wisdom; 5 Really Simple Steps To This Ability

You did not ask for selfish personal gain: riches, wealth, honor, the deaths of your enemies, or a long life. Instead, you asked for godly wisdom and knowledge to rule My people, over whom I have made you king. (The Voice)

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