Press On Toward The Goal To Get God’s Reward

Now that we have let go of our past, shift the focus and press on to the future. That future is God’s reward or prize, also known as eternal life. So please honor me with 10 minutes of your valuable time by reading this lesson and leaving a comment.

Created: Sunday, October 30, 2022

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STM Bible Lesson

Lesson focus: Philippians 3:14-16. Bible lesson background: This is the follow-up to “How To Forget About The Past, Your Sinful Life.” We continue from Philippians 3:13, which was the focus verse. So we turn our attention away from our past lives and into the future. Now, we eagerly await receiving the prize [eternal life] that God has promised to give us!

Press on toward the goal

I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. 15 So let those [of us] who are spiritually mature and full-grown have this mind and hold these convictions; and if in any respect, you have a different attitude of mind, God will make that clear to you also. 16 Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by that. Philippians 3:14-16 (AMPC) [read Philippians 3:12-16 (14-16)].

How can we focus on the future, i.e., our goal? Of course, there isn’t a single solution that works for everyone, but the basics boil down to three things:

1. Our minds

We must first change the way we think. As in Philippians 3:14, one example is to think like a competitive athlete whose goal is to win the prize. So, we must embrace a feeling of purpose and work toward personal goals that will please God. Several scriptures to back this:
Consider what Jesus said in Mark 12:30 (ERV)
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ [read Mark 12:28-34 (30)].
Romans 12:1-2 (Easy)
My Christian friends, God has been very kind to us. Because of that, I really want you to serve God with your whole life. Offer your bodies to him like a sacrifice that continues to live. Serve him with everything that you have and that will please him. That is the true way to worship God. 2 Do not become like the people who belong to this world. But let God completely change the way that you think so that you live differently. Then you will understand what God wants you to do. You will know what is good. (And) You will know what pleases God. You will know what is completely right. [read Romans 12:1-2].
Philippians 4:8 (OEBus)
In conclusion, friends, 1. whenever you find things that are true or honorable [worthy of respect], let them fill your thoughts.
2. and whenever you find things that are righteous or pure, let them fill your thoughts.
3. whenever you find things that are lovable or praiseworthy, let them fill your thoughts.
4. and last, if ‘virtue’ [conduct that meets high moral standards] and ‘honor’ have any meaning, let them fill your thoughts. [read Philippians 4:8-9 (8)].

2. Our associates/friends

The people we do things with often have a strong impact on what we do and say. They may also keep us from growing in all areas of life. We must make sure our associates/friends support us to do good and improve to do better (grow). After all, our eternal life is at stake.
Supporting Scriptures:
Get rid of the old yeast [i.e., of sin, and especially the unrepentant sinner], so that you can be a new batch of dough, without yeast in it [i.e., a godly church without unrepentant sinners in it] as [I know] you really are. For our Passover [Lamb], Christ, has already been sacrificed. 1 Corinthians 5:7 (AUV) [read 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 (7)].
Now, what I meant was that you should not associate with people who call themselves brothers or sisters in the Christian faith but live in sexual sin, are greedy, worship false gods, use abusive language, get drunk, or are dishonest. Don’t eat with such people. 1 Corinthians 5:11 (GW) [read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 (11)].
Do not be fooled: “Bad friends will ruin good habits.” 34 Come back to your right way of thinking and stop sinning. I say this to shame you—some of you do not know God. 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 (ICB) [read 1 Corinthians 15:29-34 (33-34) {Proverbs 13:20; Hebrews 12:12-17; 2 Peter 2:18-22 (Proverbs 26:11)}].
Stay away from people who are not followers of the Lord! Can someone who is good get along with someone who is evil? Are light and darkness the same? 2 Corinthians 6:14 (CEV)
[Note: many translations use the phrase “unequally yoked” this is not referring only to marriage as is commonly believed. To put it in proper context: read 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 (14); Acts 26:12-18; Ephesians 5:8-14 (key verse: 11)].

3. Our environment

Changing the places we go and possibly where we live is important, especially if you are easily influenced to relapse. Going to nightclubs, bars, drug dens, casinos, etc., should no longer be your thought or what you do. Because you have become a new person with new desires and ways.
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21 (NKJV) [read Philippians 3:17-21 (20-21)].
You are now part of God’s family, your (our) citizenship is in—we are citizens of—heaven our future home. Heaven is where our thoughts and goals should be focused on. Keep studying and reading the word of God, eventually, if it has not already happened, it will!
How I let go and began to press on; a short testimony (praise report)

My past: drug abuser/dealer ♦ Associates: people with substance abuse disorder and dealers ♦ Growth: from a casual user to a drug dealer (to support the drug habit).

How did I let go: I repented and God cleaned me up (set me free from the addictions) overnight on March 17, 1977. Helped me change the people I connect with. I moved to a new physical and mental place.

My now (praise and glory to God): Retired computer-engineering executive and full-time minister ♦ Associates: other believers and family ♦ Growth: from churchgoer to full-time Bible researcher and teacher. I am blessed to be able to spend 85% of my time in God’s Word!

Get God’s Reward

God has raised you with Christ to a new life. So you should want more and more the things that belong to heaven. That is where Christ is now. He sits there at God’s right side. 2 So think about the good things that are there in heaven above. Do not think only about things that are on the earth. 3 Remember that your old nature has died. God is keeping your new life safe with Christ. 4 You have that new life because you belong to Christ. One day, Christ will show himself clearly to everyone. Then everyone will see that you are with him. They will see that you also are great like he is. Colossians 3:1-4 (Easy) [read Colossians 3:1-11 (1-4)].

When we were sinners, we thought about and did things that were wrong in God’s eyes. Yes, we did things that did not please God and we went to places that God would be ashamed of. However, now we should think of things that are good in the sight of God. In fact, we should do things that please God and go places where God would love to be. So, release yourself from that burden, set yourself free, and let go of the old you and everything connected to it. Press on toward the reward that God has for you.

If God lets people test you, to see if you trust him properly, don’t give up trusting him. After God sees that you keep on trusting him, he will give you new life, so that you will live with him forever [eternal life]. He promised to do that for everybody that loves him. James 1:12 (PEV) [read James 1:12-18 (12)].

I pray that you have enjoyed and will make the most of this Bible lesson. Blessings to you and your loved ones— Tim. ☺

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Question for today: Are you following the good examples of Christian living?

See what is available on the Sound Truth Ministry website.


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