So, “Apostle”: Where Are Your Signs, Wonders, And Miracles?

The true apostles did not do anything that Jesus had not done. For instance, they did not make people fall to the ground by making physical gestures as some do today. Please study the Bible to avoid being misled by false signs and miracles!

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Keep Marriage, Holy; God Made it For Man and Woman

Many will disagree with the content of this lesson and find it insensitive. But I must show that I love you enough to tell you the truth. Otherwise, you will face God’s wrath and punishment for going against His will. Do not let people cause you to go against Him. So I warn you to keep marriage holy; God meant for it to be the union of a man and a woman!

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Make Your Marriage Succeed: Wife And Husband Biblical Advice

So, my friends, it was not good for ‘the man’ to be alone, so God made a wife (helper and companion) for him. After that, the Lord wants men to ‘find’ their wives to love and cherish. One who respects and does what he says as she respects what God says. The two act harmoniously in obedience to God to make their marriage succeed. So if you want to make your marriage succeed, follow God’s advice!

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Speaking In Tongues Does Not Mean They Represent God!

So do not be fooled by those who start speaking in tongues while they are “delivering a message from God.” Usually, it is a sign that they are a false prophet trying to get your money!

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Lukewarm Christians: 4 Helpful Changes That Make God Happy

People whose pastor is a false teacher risk becoming lukewarm Christians. Since your faith is a result of hearing the Word of God [Romans 10:17]. But if you do not hear the truth, then you risk backsliding. So I encourage you to make the changes discussed in this lesson and make God happy!

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The Modern Apostle, Trending Now: Did Jesus Send Them?

According to Barnes, the design of the office of “apostles” was to bear “witness” to the life, death, resurrection, doctrines, and miracles of Christ; compare Matthew 10; Acts 1:21, 26, and 22:15. The Defender’s Study Bible – It is important to remember that the apostolic era ended with the death of John, the last of the real apostles of Christ.

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Wake Up Church, Let The Spirit Renew Your Mind

It’s time to “wake up church”. Your eternal status is at risk. This Bible snack is unique since it presents a few disputed topics and links to STM articles that address the topics. So much of what you hear is traditional or denominational teaching or preaching. I call it pass-it-down preaching. Please understand that I am not attempting to offend anyone; I am simply telling the truth as I am led to do.

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Prayer And Faith: Best Way To Make Things Happen

Have faith that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Please receive this final word, if you believe [have faith], then you will receive whatever you pray [ask] for. So, merging prayer and faith is the best way to make good things happen.

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Learn To Be Content And Happy With Your Life

I hope that this message from God will teach us to value who we are, what we have, and how unique we are to the One who provides for all of our needs. Most importantly, He helps us learn to be content and joyful in spite of the situation or condition.

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Letters That Teach How To Be Right With God

The ‘epistles’ are letters that teach us how to be right with God. Not how to get rich or prosper monetarily. It’s about spiritual living that pleases God! Do not be like those whom Paul warned Timothy about in 2 Timothy 4:4—those who “turn their ears away from the truth and shall turn aside to myths.”

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Press On Toward The Goal To Get God’s Reward

As sinners, we considered and did things that were not right in God’s eyes. It is true that we acted in ways that were not pleasing to God and visited places that would make Him ashamed. Our Lord, however, wants us to think about and do good things. So, release yourself from that burden, set yourself free, and let go of the old you and everything connected to it. Press on toward the reward that God has for you.

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Is What They Teach Better Than What God Said?

Your primary reason for attending services should be to learn how to live to please God. If your pastor is not doing this, then you are in the wrong place.
• Is what they teach about right and wrong ways to live, talk, and treat others? Pastoring is more than making people feel good (2 Timothy 4:1-5).
• Are their teachings correctly supported by the Bible? Don’t blindly accept what they teach; verify it by studying the Word yourself [Acts 17:11].

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Liars Are Sinful, Being Like Their Father The Devil!

Hopefully, if you find that you are one of the sinful liars as revealed by this lesson, you will repent and continue to develop a better relationship with God. On the other hand, if you are not guilty of being one of the people who tell lies, God bless you!

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Implacable: Learn How To Stop Being Unforgiving And Rigid

The bottom line is that you are sinning when you are implacable (difficult or hard to get along with). But you can adjust if you want to, the beauty of it all, is that God will give you his Spirit as a personal helper. He does this so that you will have everything you need to succeed.

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Unbeliever, You Are Forever Excluded From The New Jerusalem!

The final plea is that you reconsider how you feel about God. The fact is, if you are reading this, there is hope for you because it shows that you were at least curious. So trust God and be allowed to enter the place set aside for believers, the new Jerusalem.

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