Make Your Marriage Succeed: Wife And Husband Biblical Advice

So, my friends, it was not good for ‘the man’ to be alone, so God made a wife (helper and companion) for him. After that, the Lord wants men to ‘find’ their wives to love and cherish. One who respects and does what he says as she respects what God says. The two act harmoniously in obedience to God to make their marriage succeed. So if you want to make your marriage succeed, follow God’s advice!

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The Lord Makes A Nation Great When People Live Right

We should treat all people the way we want to be treated and love them with unbiased and genuine love! Isaiah 26 is a song of victory and praise. The Lord did and does defend His people. So we should trust in the Lord and live to please Him. Then He will make your nation great!

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Lukewarm Christians: 4 Helpful Changes That Make God Happy

People whose pastor is a false teacher risk becoming lukewarm Christians. Since your faith is a result of hearing the Word of God [Romans 10:17]. But if you do not hear the truth, then you risk backsliding. So I encourage you to make the changes discussed in this lesson and make God happy!

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Get Right With God Now; Tomorrow’s Often Too Late!

So if you are not a born-again believer, know that you must be born again. If you were reborn, make sure the Holy Spirit is leading your life. Most of all, remember to get right with God now, because tomorrow’s often too late!

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Doing What Is Right; That Will Make America Great

Any nation’s true greatness lies not in its scientific, economic, or military might but rather in its proper relationship with God. Doing what is right is the key to make America great, as well as any nation. But sin, i.e., failure to obey God, results in shame and disgrace.

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Warning: Stop Thinking About Yourself And What You Want

Jesus only asks that we do what He did. He set examples for us to follow. So we must stop thinking about ourselves and what we desire; be willing to give up all!

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Fear God; Know What Happens If God’s Not Pleased?

Remember, God has the power and authority to destroy (send us to hell) or give us a life that never ends (Luke 12:4-7 and John 3:1-21). If our love for others is real—Godly love—and we live right, free from sin, we have no reason to fear what God will do to us.

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Jesus Is The Best Friend IF You Obey Him

Either you are a friend of God or an enemy. You simply cannot be both. So, if you want to be a friend of God, meet the “if” condition. In other words, you are a friend of Jesus if you do what He says.

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Choose Friends Carefully, A Warning To All Godly People

Since we are all a part of God’s family, to respect God, we should look to other believers as our closest friends. We must also keep ourselves apart from nonbelievers. But we shouldn’t fully isolate ourselves from the non-believers (1 Corinthians 5:9-12). Let your light shine at all times and remember to pick friends wisely since even those who do not believe can experience God’s love through our life.

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Give Thanks To The Lord, For He Is Good

So, come on, you can do it. Open your mouth and give thanks to the Lord. Give Him credit for all that He is and has done. Let Him know that you adore Him! He wants you to show it!

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Letters That Teach How To Be Right With God

The ‘epistles’ are letters that teach us how to be right with God. Not how to get rich or prosper monetarily. It’s about spiritual living that pleases God! Do not be like those whom Paul warned Timothy about in 2 Timothy 4:4—those who “turn their ears away from the truth and shall turn aside to myths.”

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Is What They Teach Better Than What God Said?

Your primary reason for attending services should be to learn how to live to please God. If your pastor is not doing this, then you are in the wrong place.
• Is what they teach about right and wrong ways to live, talk, and treat others? Pastoring is more than making people feel good (2 Timothy 4:1-5).
• Are their teachings correctly supported by the Bible? Don’t blindly accept what they teach; verify it by studying the Word yourself [Acts 17:11].

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See How To Be A Giver The Bible Way!

God is appreciative of these acts of love. They are not orders as was the old way [under the law]; rather, they come from the heart. Keep in mind that grace gives us freedom and does not impose strict rules on us.

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The Word Of God: How To Better Empower Yourself

In conclusion, the word of God gives us everything we need to live holy and do good works. So cherish as well as live by the Word of God. After all, it is the way to better empower yourself!

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Worship God In Spirit And Truth; That Pleases Him!

God is Spirit, and those who worship God must be led by the Spirit to worship him according to the truth. We are God’s temple [1 Corinthians 3:16]. He is ALWAYS with you. That means you do not have to go to a building or a place to meet Him. So, you can worship Him anywhere.

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