Can The Devil Steal Anything From God’s Protected People?

Again, I ask, “What can the devil steal from God’s protected people?” Hopefully, you correctly answered, “Nothing”; the devil cannot steal anything from a child of God. Stop listening to the false messages (sermons, teachings, and/or songs); they are not based on biblical truth. If anything, the people preaching, teaching, and singing messages that claim the devil stole anything are deceiving you, like those whom Jesus spoke of.

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Fruit of the Spirit: 9 Helpful Qualities For You!

Fruit of the Spirit: For others to know you are a child of God, people must see God through you. You must live in a way that is holy [from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 (4)]. That does not mean you must or should wear a cross, carry Bibles, speak in tongues, or use religious words. In other words, let your fruit-bearing life show that you are a child of God. So, since you are the light of the world; let your light [fruit-bearing life] shine! – Tim

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Self-control: Take Control Now with This Gift From God

The most rewarding aspect of using self-control for me is knowing that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can change any bad habit through discipline. God makes it possible when we trust Him enough to let Him help us. Let God help you take control of your mind, your actions, and your life.

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