Can The Devil Steal Anything From God’s Protected People?

Again, I ask, “What can the devil steal from God’s protected people?” Hopefully, you correctly answered, “Nothing”; the devil cannot steal anything from a child of God. Stop listening to the false messages (sermons, teachings, and/or songs); they are not based on biblical truth. If anything, the people preaching, teaching, and singing messages that claim the devil stole anything are deceiving you, like those whom Jesus spoke of.

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Know Your Enemy; Warning, The Devil Isn’t Your Worst!

The devil is usually the focus of our attention because most of us have been taught that we only have one enemy. However, we also have two additional foes that can surprise us: our own flesh and the world or world system. Recognize that our body, the flesh, serves as a vehicle for the devil and the world (or world system), so it is our worst enemy. When we concentrate only on one opponent, the other two are left free to cause harm without restraint.

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Godly Wisdom; 5 Really Simple Steps To This Ability

You did not ask for selfish personal gain: riches, wealth, honor, the deaths of your enemies, or a long life. Instead, you asked for godly wisdom and knowledge to rule My people, over whom I have made you king. (The Voice)

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5 Helpful Studies to Make You Want to Avoid Adultery

Please do not be a sexual cheater. Be faithful to your spouse. If you are involved with someone that is married or a person that is not your spouse, stop what you are doing. It is not worth it!

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Agape Love; Genuine Love of God is True Love

Agape love is perfect love, it comes from God. You freely receive it and it cost nothing to use it. So give it to others and show them how to use it. Let everyone know you are God’s child; show genuine love to both God and others.

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Respect God; It is Absolutely Good Advice For Life

If you believe the Lord is supreme and our creator. Then you have many reasons to respect God. He is to be feared and revered/respected; do you agree? I cannot stress the importance of the fear of and respect for God; it is absolutely good advice for life. Learn to fear, honor, worship, obey, and give respect to God our Lord.

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Faithfulness in the Time of Little Faith in God

Learn to use faithfulness. It is another wonderful gift from God. With this grace, we can be faithful to God, our spouse, and other commitments. The Holy Spirit gives us what we need to succeed! Stay with us and enjoy this Bible study.

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Peace Is A Gift, So Live Free From Worry

Peace from God’s Spirit is a result of your faith. Those born again have The Creator of all things living within. No other peace compares to this; does the thought of this bring you peace?

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Patience From God Will Help You Endure Life Troubles

Patience allows us to go through all things without worry. It teaches us to wait on the Lord and not act or react too soon. We need it to receive God’s promise of a life forever with Him. So endure until the end and get your reward!

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Comfort From God the Source of All Good Comfort

You may get comfort from many sources. Alcohol, sex, smoking/vaping, or by other means. But you must know that God is the source of all GOOD comfort. So, I urge you to get your comfort from God!

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Fruit of the Spirit: 9 Helpful Qualities For You!

Fruit of the Spirit: For others to know you are a child of God, people must see God through you. You must live in a way that is holy [from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 (4)]. That does not mean you must or should wear a cross, carry Bibles, speak in tongues, or use religious words. In other words, let your fruit-bearing life show that you are a child of God. So, since you are the light of the world; let your light [fruit-bearing life] shine! – Tim

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Inheritance: Your Ultimate Priceless Gift Is Reserved In Heaven

Congratulations, child of God, I take great pleasure in telling you that you have an inheritance waiting for you. What does this mean? As a child of God, you have the right to receive an eternal gift. It is your birthright through Christ. Please allow me to tell you more!

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