To Handle Adultery, You Need To Forgive, Not Divorce

Yes, we, God’s children, do things in special ways. In other words, ways that are not usual. So, when others want to divorce, we let go, forget about it (forgive), and continue to love. I am so very proud of you and the way you handle adultery. Your decision to forgive and not divorce is the right one. God is pleased with you.

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One With God: The Bliss of Harmony In Spirit

1 John 3:18, 24 18 Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it. 24 If we obey God’s commandments, we will stay one in our hearts with him, and he will stay one with us. The Spirit he has given us is proof that we are one with him. (CEV)

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Father, Son, Holy-Spirit Share One Name: The Name Jesus

I know you may not be convinced that Jesus is the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Maybe it’s because of tradition or what you’ve been taught. The apostles obeyed the instructions given by Jesus. They went to them all, taught them, and baptized them using the name Jesus. Because that is the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Search the Scriptures, especially in Acts (aka ‘The Acts of the Apostles’). If you can find that anyone baptized saying “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost)” in the Bible, please share it.

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Tithing: God Did NOT Command Anyone To Tithe MONEY!

Tithing edible things was required under the Law but not under Grace. It was never about money! Make no mistake, money did exist during this time. In fact, God commanded the children of Israel to pay a mandatory amount of money as ransom for their lives. But it was not used in or for tithing.

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3 True Facts About Hallelujah That’ll Change Your Praise

When you praise God, you honor, worship, and express admiration for Him. Please understand that you are NOT praising God when you say “hallelujah”; in fact, you are merely giving a command to ‘praise the Lord”! So, hallelujah, is not the highest praise!

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By His Stripes, We Are Healed Spiritually, Not Physically

This Bible lesson is intended to correct the misunderstanding of Isaiah 53:5. Particularly “by (with) His stripes, we are healed.” By His stripes, you have spiritual healing (i.e., restored favor, not healing for your body). Above all, Jesus gave a spiritual solution to a spiritual problem. He did not suffer and die to heal our bodies!

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Habits: Warning, You Must Avoid These 2 Bad Ways!

Are you a victim of bad habits? Be a wise child of God, I urge you to use self-control and avoid drinking and eating too much. You can avoid bad habits with the help of the Lord. He gave you self-control, please use it!

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Truth: True Knowledge About Salvation Will Make You Free!

That Spirit, the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God; Spirit of Christ), has come and is available to all. My friends, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into true knowledge. Now learn to worship God in spirit (the Holy Spirit) and reality (true knowledge of God and what you should do). Because you are no longer a slave to sin or the Law of Moses!

Worship Him wherever you are and at all times. Yes, even in the building you call church. The truth is, ‘temple of God’, He came in that building with you!

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Your Faith Life: The Best Life Is In Christ

Your faith life is more than believing in Jesus; it is about how you live. A life with Christ is far superior to a life without Him. So, live your best life, secured by having Jesus in your life!

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Spirit-led, Spirit-fed: That Old Sinful Life is Now Dead

You will never be able to eat solid spiritual food [spirit-fed] and understand the deeper things of God’s Word until you become better [spirit-led] Christians and learn right from wrong by practicing doing right.

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Love Yourself: Learn to Self-love in a Good Way

Please remember that you are one of God’s children. So, each time you look into a mirror, love what you see. In conclusion, obey God and love others as you, as a child of God, love yourself. Most importantly, you must love and take care of yourself!

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Older Men: 6 Bible-based Points, Being Senior Godly Men

Given these points, strive to have others say they remember your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3). So I urge you to man up, my fellow senior godly men, and let this lesson make you better older men of God.

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The Holy Spirit; 2 Valuable Truths You Should Know

In conclusion, the Scriptures often mention that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God (Acts 2:38). Also keep in mind the one baptism mentioned in Ephesians is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (John 1:33). That is the baptism Jesus baptizes with; the Holy Spirit.

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Obey God Not People; You Will Never Regret It

How often have you had to choose between pleasing God and a person or people? The choice is yours; choose to please and obey God, and you will never regret it!

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God’s Word—It’s True—Is The Best Soul Food!

Use the Bible as your life coach and for life advice. Learn to hunger for the word of God. Binge on it and live by it! Hopefully, you’ll agree that God’s Word is the best soul food!

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