So, my friends, it was not good for ‘the man’ to be alone, so God made a wife (helper and companion) for him. After that, the Lord wants men to ‘find’ their wives to love and cherish. One who respects and does what he says as she respects what God says. The two act harmoniously in obedience to God to make their marriage succeed. So if you want to make your marriage succeed, follow God’s advice!
Category: our love
Our love for God and people should be a strong, selfless and kind feeling. It grows to become trust and devotion. However, unlike God’s love, our love is tied to our emotions.
Bitterness Is A Sin: Get Rid Of It Now
So remember that bitterness is a form of extreme malice, hatred, and anger. None of these are qualities of holy living. Please be mindful that bitterness is a sin. Get rid of it now!
The Lord Makes A Nation Great When People Live Right
We should treat all people the way we want to be treated and love them with unbiased and genuine love! Isaiah 26 is a song of victory and praise. The Lord did and does defend His people. So we should trust in the Lord and live to please Him. Then He will make your nation great!
Dealing With Fear: You’ll Overcome It With Spiritual Growth
So learn to let your fear grow from terror to respect and awe for God. When you allow His perfect love to take away the terror of fear, you will then know that you have overcome fear through spiritual growth. So now you can love and worship Him with godly fear.
Judge Sinful Living, It’s Helpful For Protecting God’s Children
To show our love for others, instead of waiting for God’s final judgment. It’s helpful to judge sinful living now, so the person can use this chance to repent and correct their ways.
Warning: Stop Thinking About Yourself And What You Want
Jesus only asks that we do what He did. He set examples for us to follow. So we must stop thinking about ourselves and what we desire; be willing to give up all!
God’s Message Of Love Is For Everyone In The World
Accept God’s message [teaching]; do not reject it; refusing to receive God’s word is the same as refusing God. With love, Jesus delivered God’s teaching of love, so I urge you to receive it with love.
Learn To Love the Hate Out of Your Enemies
Let’s practice loving our haters. That does not mean you should accept physical, verbal, or mental abuse. But it is possible to love your enemies so much that you love the hate out of them! You can make it impossible for them to continue to hate you. Apply the love principles in this snack; let me know if you need help.
The Royal Law; Love Others As You Love Yourself
Testing Jesus about his law—how bold is that? A Pharisees (social movement) lawyer (or expert in Moses’ law) posed a question to Jesus to put him to the test. 1 Corinthians 13 helps us understand why love is the supreme/royal law. Speaking in tongues, prophesying, knowledge, great faith, charitable giving, and martyrdom are nothing without love—love that never ends—it is the greatest of all things. God demonstrated this love—His royal law by giving us His son so that we can have eternal life.
See How To Be A Giver The Bible Way!
God is appreciative of these acts of love. They are not orders as was the old way [under the law]; rather, they come from the heart. Keep in mind that grace gives us freedom and does not impose strict rules on us.
To Handle Adultery, You Need To Forgive, Not Divorce
Yes, we, God’s children, do things in special ways. In other words, ways that are not usual. So, when others want to divorce, we let go, forget about it (forgive), and continue to love. I am so very proud of you and the way you handle adultery. Your decision to forgive and not divorce is the right one. God is pleased with you.
Love Yourself: Learn to Self-love in a Good Way
Please remember that you are one of God’s children. So, each time you look into a mirror, love what you see. In conclusion, obey God and love others as you, as a child of God, love yourself. Most importantly, you must love and take care of yourself!
Forgive Yourself; God Forgave You, Now You Forgive Yourself!
Forgive yourself if you believe God has already done so and if you love yourself. Never forget that love is able to forgive all sins. So, do not carry the burden of your past sins. Because the love of God for His children releases you from guilt and ultimate punishment. Therefore, forgive yourself and let God’s love set you free from guilt and shame.
Agape Love; Genuine Love of God is True Love
Agape love is perfect love, it comes from God. You freely receive it and it cost nothing to use it. So give it to others and show them how to use it. Let everyone know you are God’s child; show genuine love to both God and others.
Faithfulness in the Time of Little Faith in God
Learn to use faithfulness. It is another wonderful gift from God. With this grace, we can be faithful to God, our spouse, and other commitments. The Holy Spirit gives us what we need to succeed! Stay with us and enjoy this Bible study.