As we mature naturally and spiritually we learn to not let the small things cause us to fall apart. I find it may take a moment to collect my thoughts and pull it together but the Spirit helps to bring that joyful laughter at the thought that something tried to take my joy. Yes, I have learned to laugh and rejoice when faced with the cares of this world that before would have caused a negative response.
Author: Bishop Pettiford
Prosperity; 7 Simple Lessons On True Wealth God’s Way
This study on Prosperity will give you a better understanding of prosperity from a Biblical perspective. Should Christians seek to become rich or wealthy? Unfortunately, most of you will not enjoy this!
Understanding God’s Word, It Is the Best Life Coach
Understanding God’s word is so vital to our Spiritual well-being. This Bible study covers and focuses on getting to know God better through His word. Use this Bible study to help grasp the spiritual side of the word ‘understanding’.
Born Again By The Holy Spirit: Your Spiritual Birth
No one is born again or enters God’s kingdom without getting the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit). You must be born again; your eternal life depends on it.
Receive Your Healing By Faith in the Name of Jesus
‘Receive your healing’, is more than just a phrase. The command ‘receive your healing’ is similar to ‘rise up and walk’. Jesus gave the command and by faith, it was done. By faith in God, some will be healed while reading this Bible study. Try reading the scriptures out loud.
God Will Forgive You, Now Don’t Worry Be Happy
God forgives those that repent. It does not matter what you have done, He knows what is in your heart and understands your desire to live for Him.
Prayer Blockers; Know Them; Learn How to Avoid Them
There are certain conditions that are prayer blockers. Get to know them. Learn how to pray and what to pray for; God will answer your prayer.
Self-control: Take Control Now with This Gift From God
The most rewarding aspect of using self-control for me is knowing that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can change any bad habit through discipline. God makes it possible when we trust Him enough to let Him help us. Let God help you take control of your mind, your actions, and your life.
Positive Attitude; Welcome to a New Way of Being!
Is it possible to maintain a hopeful or positive attitude? It really depends on you. In fact, it is your choice, your decision; in everything choose to stay positive. Welcome to a new way of being!
Forgive Each Other; Learn How to Forgive with Love
We must forgive and love each other; just as the Lord loves and has forgiven you, you also must forgive. If we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven by God. Forgive each other, be forgiven and blessed
Hater; How To Love People Like God and Hate…
Are you a hater? Explore this short story of how I learned to hate my sin. Learn to dislike sin in your life using God’s word. Become a hater of your sin.
Help the Needy; Show People the Love of God
Hopefully, you will be willing to do what you can to show people the love of God and help the needy! Helping the homeless and the poor is part of ministry and genuine love, as demonstrated by Jesus, His disciples, and the churches in the Bible. Follow the example of Jesus and the Apostles; help the needy and be blessed.
Changed Life: Experience Your Best Using God’s Free Gift
Many things help us live a changed life in Christ. When reading the Scriptures, let the words minister to you, let them show you where change is needed. Since I get so much help from the word of God, I am able to continue to adjust to my new life.
God Forgives You, To Be Forgiven, You Must Forgive
Jesus paid the price and saved you from the penalty for sin. Now you must believe that God forgives you, the blood of Jesus made it possible.
Thief Part 2; Devil Steal From Child of God?
Did you consider believing that the devil could steal from one of God’s children is an insult to God. God is our father, we are His children, He knows all things (1 John 3:20; Psalms 139:1-6, 147:4-6; John 2:24-25; Hebrews 4:11-13) and sees all.
So He knows when the thief—your thief (if you believe the devil is the thief)—the devil is coming to steal. Why would your Father not stop him?