Spirit-led, Spirit-fed: That Old Sinful Life is Now Dead

You will never be able to eat solid spiritual food [spirit-fed] and understand the deeper things of God’s Word until you become better [spirit-led] Christians and learn right from wrong by practicing doing right.

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Older Men: 6 Bible-based Points, Being Senior Godly Men

Given these points, strive to have others say they remember your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3). So I urge you to man up, my fellow senior godly men, and let this lesson make you better older men of God.

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Obey God Not People; You Will Never Regret It

How often have you had to choose between pleasing God and a person or people? The choice is yours; choose to please and obey God, and you will never regret it!

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God’s Word—It’s True—Is The Best Soul Food!

Use the Bible as your life coach and for life advice. Learn to hunger for the word of God. Binge on it and live by it! Hopefully, you’ll agree that God’s Word is the best soul food!

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Respect God; It is Absolutely Good Advice For Life

If you believe the Lord is supreme and our creator. Then you have many reasons to respect God. He is to be feared and revered/respected; do you agree? I cannot stress the importance of the fear of and respect for God; it is absolutely good advice for life. Learn to fear, honor, worship, obey, and give respect to God our Lord.

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Gentleness: Learn How to Use This Godly Quality Better

The gentleness received from God is not cruel or violent. A gentle person is willing to adjust and put others first. Their calm, caring nature is accompanied by meekness. It is inner beauty and quality that shows God is inside.

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Heaven: The Best For You Is Yet To Come

Your life on earth and all that you have here are temporary. God has a better, timeless place for you. So, be patient; your suffering will be worth the reward that is yet to come. The best that God has for us, heaven, is yet to come. Child of God, Jesus, has prepared a place for you. Someday we will join Him in our heavenly home.

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Faith Tests Teach You: Endure the Storms of Life

Jesus was calm during the storm, “asleep on a pillow.” Child of God, are you calm during your stormy faith test like Jesus or afraid like the disciples? Each stormy faith test brings a new chance to show your faith. I know you feel like giving up. The storms of life are there to test your faith.

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Live in Harmony; Allow Each Other To Make Mistakes!

If you have an unresolved issue (KJV: ought) with anyone, fix it! Why be angry? Why hold grudges? And why not work it out so you can live in harmony with each other? Living in harmony is pleasant; it is precious and refreshing.

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Sedition: Unity Is Wonderful, But Conflict Is Not Good!

Pressure from changing societal norms has impacted the body of Christ. As society bends to accept trends, so do the people of God. It seems that worldliness is overtaking godliness. Even church leaders are becoming more worldly!

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The Comforter is the Holy Spirit; Your Helper Forever

The Comforter calms, lifts you up, and gives support. He is there in times of sorrow and hardship. Put your faith in The Comforter to remove worry and fear. That is just some of what our Comforter—the Holy Spirit—will do. Will you let The Comforter comfort you?

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