Jesus Suffered Death To Make You Right With God

Jesus, our Lord, suffered in your place. The end result is the opportunity to enjoy the advantages of a healthy relationship with God. Therefore, keep in mind that Jesus suffered death to make you right with God!

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Are You Happy Now That You Are God’s Child?

One thing I am sure of, friends and family or feeling security from a career or job offer temporary happiness (see Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, 6:1-12). However, in order to find lasting happiness, “then I will go to the altar of God, to God who is the source of my happiness.”

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Wake Up Church, Let The Spirit Renew Your Mind

It’s time to “wake up church”. Your eternal status is at risk. This Bible snack is unique since it presents a few disputed topics and links to STM articles that address the topics. So much of what you hear is traditional or denominational teaching or preaching. I call it pass-it-down preaching. Please understand that I am not attempting to offend anyone; I am simply telling the truth as I am led to do.

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God Disciplines Those He Loves; It’s Helpful And Uplifting

The Lord has corrected me, and I am thankful that He cared enough to do so. Our viewpoint on this subject is meaningless. “What do you think?” Is this a question that God has posed to any of us? I accept the Lord’s correction (chastening; discipline) as a child of God and put my trust in Him to act in my best interests. Accept His correction graciously, knowing that He gave it out of love for you.

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The Royal Law; Love Others As You Love Yourself

Testing Jesus about his law—how bold is that? A Pharisees (social movement) lawyer (or expert in Moses’ law) posed a question to Jesus to put him to the test. 1 Corinthians 13 helps us understand why love is the supreme/royal law. Speaking in tongues, prophesying, knowledge, great faith, charitable giving, and martyrdom are nothing without love—love that never ends—it is the greatest of all things. God demonstrated this love—His royal law by giving us His son so that we can have eternal life.

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Thank You, Lord, You’re Reliable And Good To Us!

Be thankful and mindful of praise. The next time something unpleasant happens, do as the above Scripture says, and ‘give thanks whatever happens’. I know you may not feel thankful at all times. But if you get into the habit of thanking God, it will be easy to express your appreciation. Start by saying, “Thank you, Lord (Jesus), you’re reliable and good to us” and keep doing so!

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How To Hear From God And Know It’s God

Jesus said in John 10:27 (FBV), “My sheep recognize [hear] my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” If you are a child of God, you will know His voice. Pray for the gift of discernment. That is, you want to be able to tell when it’s from God, another spirit [1 John 4:3], or your thoughts.

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Deceit Leads to Death; Truth Gives You Amazing Life

You can not fool God! So God’s people should remove false words or actions (trying to fool others). By doing so, they keep away from deceit (anything that will mislead others). Remember, deceit leads to spiritual death, and truth gives amazing life.

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If You Have Faith You’ll See Wonderful Things Happen

So, if you have faith—the strength or ability to perform or carry out the act of faith. Which is the ability to act on trust in God. You will put faith into action. This is another way of saying you will walk by faith. We benefit when we live by faith knowing that God will always do what he says. And that is why you’ll see wonderful things happen because God can do the impossible. Believe it and you will see it!

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Spiritual Guidance Has More Value When You Follow It

As stated, spiritual guidance, teaching, and instructions are of no value if we fail to follow them or listen to them. So often we do not understand the guidance that the Word of God or the message from God gives. Fortunately, we have the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Word. So study, enjoy the benefits of, and follow God’s guidance through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

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Prayer And Faith: Best Way To Make Things Happen

Have faith that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Please receive this final word, if you believe [have faith], then you will receive whatever you pray [ask] for. So, merging prayer and faith is the best way to make good things happen.

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Learn To Be Content And Happy With Your Life

I hope that this message from God will teach us to value who we are, what we have, and how unique we are to the One who provides for all of our needs. Most importantly, He helps us learn to be content and joyful in spite of the situation or condition.

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Choose Friends Carefully, A Warning To All Godly People

Since we are all a part of God’s family, to respect God, we should look to other believers as our closest friends. We must also keep ourselves apart from nonbelievers. But we shouldn’t fully isolate ourselves from the non-believers (1 Corinthians 5:9-12). Let your light shine at all times and remember to pick friends wisely since even those who do not believe can experience God’s love through our life.

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Gifts From God Help The Believers To Become Strong

Strong spiritual and mental health. The holy spirit, amongst all of the spiritual gifts, can have positive effects on your mental health. That is because of the following qualities: Love ♥ Joy ♥ Peace ♥ Patience ♥ Kindness ♥ Goodness ♥ Faithfulness ♥ Gentleness ♥ Self-control. Think about it!

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You Are Forgiven, Wonderful, Go And Sin No More

Yes, God does forgive you when you admit to the Lord Jesus (your High Priest) you are guilty of sin. But you must understand, His forgiveness is applied when you repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. It is at that time that you are forgiven.

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