If You Have Faith You’ll See Wonderful Things Happen

So, if you have faith—the strength or ability to perform or carry out the act of faith. Which is the ability to act on trust in God. You will put faith into action. This is another way of saying you will walk by faith. We benefit when we live by faith knowing that God will always do what he says. And that is why you’ll see wonderful things happen because God can do the impossible. Believe it and you will see it!

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Prayer And Faith: Best Way To Make Things Happen

Have faith that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Please receive this final word, if you believe [have faith], then you will receive whatever you pray [ask] for. So, merging prayer and faith is the best way to make good things happen.

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How To Walk By Faith And Do Good Deeds

How To Walk By Faith And Do Good Deeds – Faith is believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, reaching forward to accept his wonderful gift of salvation. Having faith in every area of your life is fully trusting God. To have faith we must confess that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead.

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Active Faith Shows That You Trust God By Doing

Active Faith: You say you have faith; what good is it when you fail to do good things to show it? Now ask yourself, “do I have active faith”? This simple lesson can help you put your faith into action. Faith without action is dead and useless.

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Your Faith Life: The Best Life Is In Christ

Your faith life is more than believing in Jesus; it is about how you live. A life with Christ is far superior to a life without Him. So, live your best life, secured by having Jesus in your life!

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Believe That the Lord Can Do Whatever You Need

Do you believe in God and that he can do whatever you need Him to do? Actually, the question is not, “Can he do it?” It’s up to you to decide if you believe He can help. You will receive it if you believe it; believe in God!

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By Faith, Watch Your Faith Work in Jesus Name

My friends, I urge you to step out in your reliance on the Lord. Trust Jesus, the faithful God, to work on your behalf. Active trust will meet whatever needs you may have. Now, child of God, step out on that reliance and watch your faith work in Jesus’ name.

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Faithfulness in the Time of Little Faith in God

Learn to use faithfulness. It is another wonderful gift from God. With this grace, we can be faithful to God, our spouse, and other commitments. The Holy Spirit gives us what we need to succeed! Stay with us and enjoy this Bible study.

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Faith Tests Teach You: Endure the Storms of Life

Jesus was calm during the storm, “asleep on a pillow.” Child of God, are you calm during your stormy faith test like Jesus or afraid like the disciples? Each stormy faith test brings a new chance to show your faith. I know you feel like giving up. The storms of life are there to test your faith.

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Testing: Your Faith Is Being Tested; You Can Pass!

James says that the testing of your faith is a cause for celebration. Especially when you see the benefit of your diligence, patience, and endurance (James 1:2-3). So be glad when your faith is tested, it will teach you patience for hardship.

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Spiritual Attitude; The Right Mindset Is “I Can Do”

Embrace your Spiritual nature. Allow the Lord to renew your mind with the right mindset. Pursue the right way of acting and thinking. Take on each task with an ‘I can do’ attitude and start doing right/good. Most of all maintain this positive Spiritual attitude with the help of the Lord.

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Receive Your Healing By Faith in the Name of Jesus

‘Receive your healing’, is more than just a phrase. The command ‘receive your healing’ is similar to ‘rise up and walk’. Jesus gave the command and by faith, it was done. By faith in God, some will be healed while reading this Bible study. Try reading the scriptures out loud.

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