Jesus made it possible to have freedom from slavery. Not physical or mental slavery but the bondage of sin and the Law (of Moses). It might take some time to adjust but choose to walk in your freedom!
Updated: Sunday, September 4, 2022
Romans 8:2-4
For the Holy Spirit’s law which provides [never ending] life for those in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus has freed me from the law that requires [spiritual] death for sinning. 3 For what the law was not able to do [for mankind], since it was [too] weak [to deliver them from condemnation] because fleshly people [were unable to obey it perfectly],
God condemned sin in the flesh [i.e., sin was declared evil and its power over man broken]. God did this by sending His own Son in a body like sinful man’s, and to destroy sin, 4 so that the requirements of the law could be [considered] fulfilled in us, who do not live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, but according to [the promptings of] the Holy Spirit. (AUV)
Think about this:
Spiritual (never-ending) death is the payment (wages; penalty) for sin. The Law of Moses could never set you free from that penalty [Galatians 3:21]. In fact, the Law was in place until Jesus came [Galatians 3:19]. Now you can live free from the control of sin and the hard-to-keep demands of the Law.
Key Points:
Liberty through Jesus
Jesus came to liberate those under the Law and the lost (sinners). It is sin which gives death its power, and it is the Law which gives sin its strength. All thanks to God, then, who gives us the victory over these things through our Lord Jesus Christ! [1 Corinthians 15:56-57 (PHILLIPS)].
the Law
The law of Moses (the Law) made everyone guilty and accountable to God. But failed to make people right with Him. Christ set us free [from a guilty verdict under the law of Moses], so we could stay free! Remain where you are then, and do not get tangled up again in the enslaving harness [of the law of Moses] [Galatians 5:1 (AUV)].
Break free from what makes you do wrong (sin). For [in] the death He Jesus experienced, He died to sin [i.e., to remove sin] once for all. But the life that He [now] lives, He lives [fully] for God. 11 So, you [too] should consider yourselves dead to sin [i.e., no longer under its power], but [spiritually] alive to God, in [fellowship with] Christ [Romans 6:10-11 (AUV)].
Free from Sin
No longer a slave of sin. You can be set free.

Freedom – 2 Corinthians 3:17 (AUV)
John 8:31-36
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed; 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33 They answered him, We are Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how is it that you say, You shall be made free?
34 Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the slave of sin. 35 And the slave does not abide in the house forever: but the Son abides forever. 36 If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed (RKJNT).
We receive freedom through God’s word—the truth and the blood sacrifice of Christ. In John 8:32 Jesus used the Greek word ἐλευθερία 1659, when He stated “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” He spoke of true or real liberty (“free indeed”= really/truly free); freedom from sin (see John 8:34, 36).
God our Savior put on flesh (John 1:1, 14; Matthew 1:23) to redeem us—pay the price for sin (Titus 2:14, 2 Timothy 2:6). To conquer sin (1 Corinthians 15:55-57) and give those who believe in Him freedom from sin (He came to save us from sin; Matthew 1:21).
Eternal death is the result or consequence of sin and continuing to live in sin (being a sinner). “If you live in obedience to your earthly nature, you will inevitably die; but if, by the power of the Spirit, you put an end to the evil habits of the body, you will live. Why continue in sin after being set free, walk in your freedom; you can live free from sin through Christ” [Romans 8:13 (OEB)].
2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Now the Lord [i.e., Christ] is the Holy Spirit, and there is freedom [from the bondage of sin and fear] wherever the Spirit of the Lord is. 18 But all of us [Christians], with unveiled faces, see the Lord’s splendor reflected, as [though we were] looking in a mirror, and [so] are being transformed into His likeness in ever-increasing splendor. This is [the work] of the Lord, [who is] the Holy Spirit (AUV).
NOTE: verse 17; The KJV “ Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord [is], there [is] liberty.” Liberty in this verse comes from the Greek ἐλευθερία eleutheria (el-yoo-ther-ee’-ah) 1657 meaning freedom; 1. liberty to do or to omit things having no relationship to salvation 2. true liberty is living as you should not as you please.
Hebrews 2:14-15 and 17-18
It is true that we share the same Father with Jesus. And it is true that we share the same kind of flesh and blood because Jesus became a man like us. He died as we must die. Through His death He destroyed the power of the devil who has the power of death. 15 Jesus did this to make us free from the fear of death. We no longer need to be chained to this fear. (NLV)
17 “Therefore, he had to be made like his brothers and sisters in every way. This was so that he could become a merciful and faithful high priest in things relating to God, in order to wipe away the sins of the people.” (CEB) 18 “For because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able [immediately] to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried [and who therefore are being exposed to suffering].” (AMP)
freedom – the state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence. Liberty – religious liberty, is the free right of adopting and enjoying opinions on religious subjects, and of worshiping the Supreme Being according to the dictates of conscience, without external control. ♦ Liberty, Freedom. These words, though often interchanged, are distinct in some of their applications. ♦ Liberty has reference to previous restraint; ♦ freedom, to the simple, unrepressed exercise of our powers.
Law of Moses

Freedom – Galatians 3:22 (NLT)
Galatians 3:21-25 “Is there a conflict, then, between God’s law and God’s promises? Absolutely not! If the law could give us new life, we could be made right with God by obeying it. 22 But the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ. 23 Before the way of faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed. 24 Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian until Christ came; it protected us until we could be made right with God through faith. 25 And now that the way of faith has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian.” (NLT)
Not only did Jesus set us free from sin, but also from the (Mosaic) Law. Many do not understand, Jesus fulfilled the Law—brought to closure; now we are under grace [Romans 6:15]. “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” [John 1:17 (KJV)].
The letter to the churches of Galatia and to the Hebrews help explain this. “Then why do we have the Law? It was given because of sin. It was to be used until Christ came. The promise had been made looking toward Christ…” [Galatians 3:19 (NLV)].
Hebrews 8:7 and 13
For if the first covenant had been faultless, then there would have been no occasion sought for a second. 13 When he says, A new covenant, he has made the first one obsolete. Now that which is obsolete and grows old is ready to vanish away.” (RKJNT)
Galatians 3:10-14
All who are depending upon their own obedience to the Law are under a curse, for it is written, “Cursed is every one who does not remain faithful to all the precepts of the Law, and practise them.” 11 It is evident, too, that no one can find acceptance with God simply by obeying the Law, because “the righteous shall live by faith,” 12 and the Law has nothing to do with faith. It teaches that “he who does these things shall live by doing them.”
13 “Christ has purchased our freedom from the curse of the Law by becoming accursed for us–because “Cursed is every one who is hanged upon a tree.” 14 Our freedom has been thus purchased in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing belonging to Abraham may come upon the nations, so that through faith we may receive the promised Spirit.” (WNT)
New High Priest, new law
Hebrews 7:11-12, 18-19, 26-28
“Therefore, if perfection was from the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there for another priest to arise, in the order of Melchizedek, and not in the order of Aaron? 12 For when the priesthood is changed, there is, of necessity, also a change in the law.” (RKJNT)
Better hope
18 “For on one hand, the previous command [i.e., the Law of Moses] was set aside because it was weak and useless, 19 (since the law did not make anything [i.e., anyone] perfect), but on the other hand, there is the introduction of a better hope [which did bring perfection through Christ], by which we draw near to God.” (AUV)
26 Such a high priest as this was suitable for us. He is holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and higher than the heavens. 27 He does not have a day-by-day need as the high priests do, first to offer up sacrifices for his own sins, then for those of the people.
He sacrificed for sin once for all when he offered up himself. 28 The Law appoints men as high priests who have weakness. But the oath that came after the Law appointed the Son who is perfect forever. (NSB)
Freedom wrap-up
Use your liberty to be holy. Not to do wrong (sin).

Freedom – 1 Peter 2:16 (CEV)
1 Peter 2:13-17
For the Lord’s sake, accept the decrees and laws of all the various human institutions, whether they come from the highest human ruler 14 or agents he sends to punish those who do wrong and to reward those who do well. 15 You see, it is God’s will that by doing what is right and good you should hush the gabbing ignorance of the foolish. 16 Live as those who are free and not as those who use their freedom as a pretext for evil, but live as God’s servants. 17 Respect everyone. Love the community of believers. Reverence God. Honor your ruler. (The Voice)
Our freedom comes with limits (laws/rules). They are set by God or human government. As a child of God, His authority/rule is supreme.
James 1:21-25
“Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22 But be doers of the word, and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man beholding his natural face in a mirror;
24 for he sees himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law, the law of freedom, and continues, not being a hearer who forgets but a doer of the work, this man will be blessed in what he does.” (WEB)
Exercise your freedom, but stay within and obey the guidelines in God’s word first. The non-conflicting laws of your government come second.
Death vs. Life
You get what is coming to you when you sin. It is death! But God’s free gift is life that lasts forever. It is given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ [Romans 6:23 (NLV)].
You have a choice, never-ending life or death. True freedom is living to please God. Your reward is life that does not end. So, live free; live holy and be blessed my friends—♥ Tim ☺.
Bible study Scriptures outline
Note: parenthesis (#) enclose the key verses.
Summary: Romans 8:1-17 (2-4); Galatians 3:19-25 (19 and 21); 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 (56-57). Galatians 5:1-6 (1); Romans 6:1-14 (10-11).
Free from sin: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 (17-18); John 8:31-36 (36); Romans 8:1-17 (13); 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 (17-18). Hebrews 2:10-18 (14-15 and 17-18).
Law of Moses: Galatians 3:10-29 (13-14, 19 and 22-25); Hebrews 7:11-28 (11-12, 18-19 and 26-28), 8:7-13 (7 and 13).
Wrap-up: 1 Peter 2:13-17 (16); James 1:21-27 (25); Romans 6:15-23 (23).
Related studies/lessons/snacks for further Spiritual growth:
♥ Question for “Freedom”: Ask yourself, what does God want me to understand about freedom/liberty from sin and the Law (given through Moses)?
See what is available on the Sound Truth Ministry website.
Copyright information:
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. || (PHILLIPS) The New Testament in Modern English by J.B Philips copyright © 1960, 1972 J. B. Phillips. Administered by The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. Used by Permission. || (The Voice) The Voice Scripture taken from The Voice™. Copyright © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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True #freedom is living to please #God. Not only did #Jesus set us #free from #sin, but also from the (Mosaic) Law. So, live by #grace; free and holy!
I am looking out for you ?!
Message in the picture:
You can live free from sin through Christ – Walk in your freedom – inspired by Romans 8:13
Scripture for the day:
Romans 8:2-4 For the Holy Spirit’s law which provides [never ending] life for those in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus has freed me from the law that requires [spiritual] death for sinning. 3 For what the law was not able to do [for mankind], since it was [too] weak [to deliver them from condemnation] because fleshly people [were unable to obey it perfectly],
God condemned sin in the flesh [i.e., sin was declared evil and its power over man broken]. God did this by sending His own Son in a body like sinful man’s, and to destroy sin, 4 so that the requirements of the law could be [considered] fulfilled in us, who do not live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, but according to [the promptings of] the Holy Spirit.
[An Understandable Version (AUV)]
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Friday, August 18, 2017
Photo info: Photo of a park at sunset, Los Gatos Creek County Park, Campbell, CA. Taken with Canon PowerShot G5 on October 16, 2007, at 3:25 pm by TP Photography. Graphics by T&T Dezignz. Tags: trail; park; sunset; Romans 8:13; freedom.
G=10 F=7 P=3 I=0