Fear God; Know What Happens If God’s Not Pleased?

Remember, God has the power and authority to destroy (send us to hell) or give us a life that never ends (Luke 12:4-7 and John 3:1-21). If our love for others is real—Godly love—and we live right, free from sin, we have no reason to fear what God will do to us.

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Prayer And Faith: Best Way To Make Things Happen

Have faith that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Please receive this final word, if you believe [have faith], then you will receive whatever you pray [ask] for. So, merging prayer and faith is the best way to make good things happen.

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Choose Friends Carefully, A Warning To All Godly People

Since we are all a part of God’s family, to respect God, we should look to other believers as our closest friends. We must also keep ourselves apart from nonbelievers. But we shouldn’t fully isolate ourselves from the non-believers (1 Corinthians 5:9-12). Let your light shine at all times and remember to pick friends wisely since even those who do not believe can experience God’s love through our life.

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Respect God; It is Absolutely Good Advice For Life

If you believe the Lord is supreme and our creator. Then you have many reasons to respect God. He is to be feared and revered/respected; do you agree? I cannot stress the importance of the fear of and respect for God; it is absolutely good advice for life. Learn to fear, honor, worship, obey, and give respect to God our Lord.

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