This Prayer Formula Actually Works When You Follow Advice

I remind you to pray for full understanding while you study God’s word. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you understand what He requires. You will see that this prayer formula actually works when you follow the advice.

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Prayer And Faith: Best Way To Make Things Happen

Have faith that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Please receive this final word, if you believe [have faith], then you will receive whatever you pray [ask] for. So, merging prayer and faith is the best way to make good things happen.

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Solve Unanswered Prayers With This Amazing 3-part Bible Study

The experience of unanswered prayers can frustrate even the best Christian. I often think of the relationship I had with my children and the times they asked for something knowing they were disobedient or had repeated a request that I already answered. Yes, you guessed it; I either would not answer or I would tell them to leave my presence.

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Receive Your Healing By Faith in the Name of Jesus

‘Receive your healing’, is more than just a phrase. The command ‘receive your healing’ is similar to ‘rise up and walk’. Jesus gave the command and by faith, it was done. By faith in God, some will be healed while reading this Bible study. Try reading the scriptures out loud.

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